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Enhancing Uses of the Argano (Origanum Vulgare) in Improving Heart Health in Heart Disorders Rats

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Enhancing Uses of the Argano (Origanum Vulgare) in Improving Heart Health in Heart Disorders Rats, SULTAN MASHNAFI and LOBNA S.M. ABD ELMEGED


Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most common cause of death globally, accounting for 30% of deaths. Of these death more than three quants, are a result of coronary heart disease and a stoke. The traditional medicine of Saudi Arabia, which is based on plant treatments, has deep roots in the local community’s understanding of the importance of nu-trition, health, and folk healing. Aim of Study: The objective of the trial was to Enhancing uses of the Argano (Origanum vulgare) in improving heart health in heart disorders rats. Material and Methods: Thirty Sprague-Dawley albino rats, aged 10 weeks, with a weight of 150 pulse or minus 10g, were split into five groups: The 1st was a –ve control (normal), while the other four received adriamycin (ADM) via intraperitoneal injection (5mg/kg) twice weekly for two weeks to induce CVD. Three groups with cardiac disorders were given argano at 5%, 10% and 15% for 28 days, while group one was assumed a reg-ular diet to act as a control positive. The experiment concluded with a blood sample and biochemical examination. Results: The TG, TC, LDL, & VLDL levels in the blood serum of ADM-treated rats were all substantially higher, while the HDL level was significantly lower. There is some evidence that varying doses of argano can help reduce LDL or athero-genic index. Conclusion: It could be concluded that argano has the abil-ity to improve the condition of blood vessels and reduce the risk of CVD through the reduction of harmful lipid profile and increasing the blood antioxidant levels.


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