Influence of Postural Stability Training Versus Neck Stabilization Exersices on Balance in Patients with Forward Head Posture, MOUSTAFA AYMAN I. MAHMOUD, FATIMA S. AMIN, AMIR NAZIH WADEE and AIDA AMIR NASSIF
Abstract Background: Research has confirmed that adopting a for-ward head position (FHP) can cause a displacement of the body’s center of gravity, causing the upper body to lean back-ward. This can create a significant ergonomic hazard, increas-ing the likelihood of sustaining injuries. Due to compensatory upper body drift, both hips usually tilt forward. As a result, FHP can not only lead to neck pain but also create back pain and disrupt balance. Aim of Study: Thepurpose of study was to find out the im-pact of biodex postural stability training versus stabilization head and neck exercise balance in individuals with forward head posture. Material and Methods: This study involved 60 young adults with severe forward head posture (<46 cranio-vertebral angle). Subjects were divided into 3 groups (A,B and C): - Group A were given conventional treatment plus postural sta-bility training using biodex balance system for six weeks, day after day. - Group B were given conventional treatment plus neck stabili-zation exercise for six weeks, day after day. - Group C were given conventional treatment plus combination between postural stability training and neck stabilization ex-ercise. Results: Comparison between the three groups reveled the findings of these study revealed that the superiority of group A on group B in both APS, MLS, and, while, there was superiority of group B on group A in CVA. In addition, there were superior-ity of group C on group A in OS, MLS, CVA, and ROF. Further more, there was superiority of group C on group B in all variables except CVA. Conclusions: According to the extent and results of the study, it was determined that stability exercise in addition to conventional treatment were more effective in improving bi-odex measurement, CVA measurements, OS, MLS, APS, and ROF.