Psychological Impact of Sickle Cell Anemia in Children on their Mothers,MOHAMAD A. ELSAYED and AHMAD H. SHERIEF
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is well known chronic disease in kingdome of Saudi Arabia and Parenting children with this chronic diseases is highly demanding and has practical and emotional consequences on the family particularly the mother. So it is important to address the caregivers’ well-being and to identify needs for additional support The aim of the present study was to address the well-being of mothers who care for a child with sickle cell disease (SCD) measured with the Adult Quality of Life questionnaire, versus mothers of healthy children of the same socioeconomic standard.
Methods: 58 mothers of children with sickle cell anemia considered as (experimental group) and 37 mothers of healthy children with the same socio-economic status labeled as (control group). We tried to minimize the age difference between both groups which was around 35 years old, diagnosis of SCA was confirmed clinically and by confirmatory inves-tigations, the age at first diagnosis and duration of the disease were considered both groups were subjected to Adult Quality of Life questionnaire, The results of questionnaires were analyzed.
Results: Mothers of patients with sickle cell disease had a significantly lower quality of life on most subscales Com-pared to the control group of the same socio-economic status, the subscales depressive moods, daily activities and vitality were found to be most aspects affected.
Conclusion: Proper control of SCA might lessen the psychological burden on the family and psychotherapist advise may be needed.