Multi-Organ Dysfunction in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy,LAILA H. MOHAMMED, MAI A .KHAIRY, NAGY A. EL-HUSSIENY, MOHAMMED H. ZAAZOU and RAGHDAA M. ALY
Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury remains an important recognized cause of cerebral palsy. Most cases of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) result from injury in the prenatal period secondary to intrauterine asphyxia, with disturbance of gas exchange across the placenta.
The aim of this study was to assess the patients of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy regarding the patterns of each organ/ system dysfunction in relation to the outcome and also assess-ment of occurrence of multi-organ/system dysfunction and its relation to outcome and the severity of acidosis.
Our study included 100 full term neonates diagnosed as HIE. Data wre collected from patients’ files including full maternal history, detailed neonatal history, general and systemic examination, laboratory studies and the outcome of each one.
Some risk factors associated with HIE were assessed among our patients. Meconium staining of the amniotic fluid was found to be the most common risk factor in our study.
Multi-organ dysfunction occurred in 74% of cases, with the renal dysfunction being the commonest to occur followed by pulmonary dysfunction. While regarding the outcome, cardiovascular dysfunction was associated with the highest incidence of mortalities followed by pulmonary dysfuncction.
We also found that two-organ dysfunction was the com-monest to occur followed by one-organ dysfunction. Highly significant relation was found between the number of organ dysfunction and the occurrence of death.
Among all our patients (100 patients), death occurred in 40% of cases, while 60% of cases were discharged. On the other hand, death occurred in 39 cases (52.7%) among the the multi-organ dysfunction (MOD) group (74 patients) while 35 patients (47.29%) were discharged.