Phytochemicals as Potential Therapeutic Agents: An Overview
Aim: This study explores the potential of plant-derived phytochemicals in developing innovative drugs targeting im-mune-related conditions, including cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative diseases. Methods: A comprehensive review of the existing literature was conducted, focusing on the efficacy of various phytochemi-cals in treating immune-related disorders. The study also exam-ined the pharmacological properties, mechanisms of action, and clinical applications of these natural compounds. Results: The findings demonstrate that phytochemicals possess significant therapeutic potential due to their diverse structures and bioactive properties. Compounds such as poly-phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, and fatty acids exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardioprotective, chemopreven-tive, and neuroprotective effects. Resveratrol, for example,
has shown promise in cardioprotection and chemoprevention, while EGCG from green tea has been effective against cardio-vascular and metabolic disorders. Conclusion: Plant phytochemicals hold immense prom-ise for developing novel therapies for complex diseases. Their multi-target approach and ability to modulate cellular signal-ing pathways make them valuable candidates for drug devel-opment. However, further research, including clinical trials, is necessary to fully understand their potential and overcome ex-isting socio-economic and pharmacological challenges.