Evaluation of Plus 3 Ring Moria M2 Microkeratome Lasik in High K Reading Patient,ADNAN M.H. AL-MARZOUKI
Purpose: To evaluate the safety and reproducibility of using +3 Ring Moria M2 microkeratome (Mechanical Tech-nology) with patients suffering from high K reading.
Setting: Eye Care Private Centre-surgery Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: Data had been reviewed starting from 2005 up to 2010; with the aim to review and evaluate all the data and complications after using +3 Ring Moria M2 single use head 90 (110) microkeratome LASIK with very high K-reading patients.
Results: (Male and female eyes) total eligible eyes were 51 from 28 patients with gender distribution 58.71% (30 eyes) females and 41.29% (21 eyes) males. Population mean±SD, sphere –3.65±2.27, cylinder 1.66±1.24, 116.74±77.37, K2 score 47.17±0.516 (range 47-48.25), K1 score 45.69±1.53 (range 43.25-54.5). Optical zone of choice was 6.5 D.
Conclusion: Although the presence of new technologies including Femtosecond LASIK technology offering new advantages, the use mechanical microkeratome is still showing high safety profile if +3 Rings were used.