Effect of Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia on Fetal Cerebral Hemodynamic Response by Doppler and APGAR Score,GHADA A. ABDEL MOETY and YOSSRA S. AHMED
Objective: To show the effect of maternal iron deficiency anemia on fetal outcome and whether correction of anemia would improve the fetal condition or not.
Study Design: 150 pregnant women were divided into 3 equal groups as follows: Group (A), (B) and (C) with Hb levels 9-10.9, 7.1-8.9 and <-7gm/dl respectively. At first visit (20-26 weeks gestation) maternal complete blood picture, serum ferritin, fetal biometry, umbilical, uterine and middle cerebral Doppler studies were done. After 10 days of treatment then at the time of delivery the same investigations were repeated to show the impact of treatment.
Results: Hb level increased in the 3 groups with treatment but the difference was statistically non significant. Improve-ment in the umbilical, uterine and cerebral/umbilical ratio RI occurred with treatment and was more evident in group (C). IUGR and PTL were highest in group (C). Neonatal birth weight was highest in group (A).
Conclusion: Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women improves fetal outcome.