Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Treatment of Extensive Degloving Injury of the Left Lower Limb Associated with Open Fracture of the Femur (Case Report),MAGED S.S. SALEH and ABDUL-MALIK A. AL-AMIN
Background: Degloving is a potentially serious injury in which an extensive area of skin is torn from its underlying attachments and thereby deprived of its blood supply.
Case Report: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) was used for the treatment of extensive degloving of left lower limb in an obese patient with co-existing fractured femur.
Conclusion: NPWT can provide an excellent alternative to traditional wound care for large surface area wounds and circumferential wounds before skin grafting. It can convert a non-operable wound to an operable wound with a healthy granulated wound bed ready for grafting.