Potential Genetic Markers for Prediction of Treatment Response in HCV Affected Children, SAHAR A. SHARAF, IMAN MANDOUR, HANAA M. EL-KARAKSY, RANIA DARWISH, NORMEEN H. RADY and FATMA EL-MOUGY
Background: Egypt has high prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in children who are younger than 10 years. Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine which helps to dampen inflammation that could be harmful to the host, consequently limiting potential tissue damage. High production of IL-10 facilitates viral evasion by down regulating protective inflammatory response and opposing the response to antiviral treatment.
Aim of Work: To assess the prevalence of the 2 SNPs - 1082 G/A and –592 C/A in IL-10 promotor region and if they affect* the response to antiviral therapy in children and young adults with HCV infection.
Patients and Methods: Seventy three HCV patients un-derwent quantitation of HCV-RNA viral load by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) meanwhile liver function testing were followed-up for 72 weeks after the start of HCV therapy. The IL-10 genotyping was assayed by real time PCR.
Results: No significant association was found between polymorphisms in IL-10 gene (–1082G/A and –592C/A) and the response to HCV therapy in children. Sustained virological response was achieved in 38.4%. IL10 gene SNP –592 A>C and basal viral load by logistic regression analysis were found to be independent factors predicting response to interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.
Conclusion: There is no association between response to therapy for HCV in our group of children and IL-10 polymor-phisms (–1082G/A and –592C/A), however using logistic regression analysis, IL10 gene SNPs –592 A>C and basal viral load showed that they are independent factors predicting response to interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.