Study the Effect of Hormonal Contraceptive Methods on Female Sexual Function, RABAB S. HASSAN, EMAN M. ERAKY, ABEER M. ABOU KHATWA and GEHAN I. GHONEMY
The hormonal contraceptive methods using by women of reproductive age can have negative influences on the female sex lives. So, the women should be aware of the effects of duration of using these methods on their sexual lives to be able to improve the quality of their life.
Design: A descriptive exploratory research design was adopted for this research.
Aim of the Study: This research aims to assess the effect of duration of using hormonal contraceptives on female sexual function.
Setting: The study conducted at family planning clinic at Elgalaa hospital and MCH (Maternal Child Health Center).
Sample: A convenient sample of 430 women were selected based on inclusion criteria. A structured interviewing tool and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI Arabic version) were used to collect the data.
Results: Revealed statistical significant differences was found (c2=12.689, p=.005) between female sexual function and duration of hormonal contraceptive methods used. The sexual dysfunction increased by increasing the duration of hormonal contraceptive used as the following: The female who used hormonal contraceptive for (6 months up to one year, one year, three years and more) were risky for female sexual dysfunction as (53.60%, 70.80%, 73.90% and 77.80%, respectively).
Conclusion and Recommendations: The female sexual function in hormonal contraceptive user's decreases as the duration of uses increased. So, the healthcare providers must be aware of negative effects on female sexuality in order to provide a counsel and care for their patients appropriately.