The Effect of Vitamin D Replacement Therapy on Serum Leptin and Follicular Growth Pattern in Women with Clomiphene Citrate Resistant Polycystic Ovary, ABD EL-SAMIE ABD ELMONAEM, WAEL SAMIR, FADWA ABD EL-REHEEM and AHMED TANTAWY
Objective: To detect the effect of vitamin D on serum leptin and follicular growth pattern in women with clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovary.
Methods: 40 female candidates with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who attended Fayoum University Hospital gynecology outpatient clinic. They are divided into two groups study group twenty patients received vit. D, clomiphene and HMG. Control group twenty patients received only clomiphene and HMG. All women are subjected to measurement of leptin and follicular growth before and after treatment. 25 Hydrox-yvitamin D3 (OHVD3) was done in the study group before and after treatment and in control group only before treatment.
Results: 26 of the patients have deficiency of 25 OHVD3 that represent 65% with the mean in the study group (12.74± 13.29) and the control group (13.77±24.12) with no statistical difference (p=0.868). There was no significant improvement in the follicular growth in the group treated with vit. D in comparison to the other group (65% vs 55%) respectively with p-value=0.519. There is also no statistically significant difference in leptin level after treatment in both groups (p= 0.823).
Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is present in about 65% of the PCOS patient. The vitamin D level is not related to BMI, leptin level or FSH level. There is negative correlation between vitamin D level and LH level and FSH/LH ratio. If vitamin D is given with clomiphene citrate and HMG, there was no statistically significant improvement in the follicular growth pattern or leptin level. For that reason, it is recom-mended to do another study on large number of PCOS patients.