Evaluation of SIRT1 and P53 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, MAGDA H. BAKR, NIHAL S. ZAFER, NASHWA M. EMARA, RASHA M. EL-SAWI, HUDA M. ABD EL-AZIZ, AHMED M. EL-REFAI and HOSAM EL-DEEN M. ALI
Objective: To evaluate and analyse the expression of P53 and SIRT1 in hepatocellular carcinoma and determine their relationships with clinico-pathological features.
Methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of P53 and SIRT1 on 33 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 15 cases of cirrhosis and 12 cases of chronic viral C hepatitis.
Results: P53 and SIRT1 expression were increased grad-ually in progression throughout chronic viral hepatitis C and cirrhosis to be the highest in HCC. Detected statistically significant positive correlation between P53 expression and tumor grade, TNM stage, 2 years survival and presence of both vascular invasion and underlying cirrhosis while no correlation with tumor size or histopathological type. There were statistically significant correlations between SIRT1 expression and tumor grade, TNM stage, presence of under-lying cirrhosis and 2 years survival while no correlation with tumor size, histopathological type or presence of vascular invasion. There was statistically significant correlation between P53 expression and SIRT1 expression.
Conclusion: Our study confirmed that both P53 and SIRT 1 are independent prognostic markers, their expression was associated with tumor genesis, tumor progression, invasion, metastasis, and the clinically aggressive behavior, poor sur-vival. They may serve as valuable tools for prediction of tumor recurrence and response to therapy and identification of therapeutic targets.