Response of Breathslim Training on Blood Gases in Hypoventilation Syndrome, EMAN E. KORIM, NESREEN G. EL-NAHAS, AZZA A. ABD EL-HADY and SALLY A. HAKIM
Background: Hypoventilation syndrome arises from interaction between sleep-disordered breathing, diminished respiratory drive and obesity related respiratory problem which have effect on arterial blood gases.
Purpose: To study the response of breatbslim training on blood gases on hypoventilation syndrome.
Methods: Forty patients of both sexes as 20 men and 20 women their age ranged from 55-65 years with hypoventilation syndrome selected from physical therapy out clinic of ElAhrar Hospital at Zagazig between Jan. 2015 - July 2015. Patients were assigned into 2 groups (A&B). Parameters measured from both groups regarding body weight, body mass index (BMA), waist circumference, hip circumference, waist/hip ratio (WHIZ), atrial partial pressure of oxygen (Ра02), atrial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PаС02), and level of bicarbonate (HСO3-), also apnea hypo apnea index (АН') was used to evaluate number of times the patient had obstructive sleep apnea during sleeping hours. 20 patients (11 women and 9 men) used breathslim training and balanced diet group (A) and the other 20 patients (9 women and 11 men) used traditional diaphragmatic breathing with balanced diet group (В) for 12 weeks. The practical work was done in the duration between January 2015 till July 2015.
Results: The percent of improvment of body weight, body mass index, Рa02, PCO2 and НСО3 for group (A) was 10.59%, 10.61%, 54.04%, 22% and 12А4% and for group (В) was 4.13%, 4.17, 15.36%, 6А8% and 3.28% respectively.
Conclusion: Using breathslim for hypoventilation patients modulates blood gases parameters as well as restores sleep quality.