CT and CTA Findings in Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome, TALAL AMER, REHAM ABD EL-WAHAB, AHMAD EL-MORSY and AHMED EL-METWALLY
Background: Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES) is an uncommon anomaly affecting young adults present with calf claudication. It is characterized by various anatomic relations between the muscle and arteries in the popliteal fossa, resulting in arterial compression.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of CT and CT Angiography (CTA) in the diagnosis of PAES.
Material and Methods: Ten patients (12 legs) who under-went surgical treatment for PAES over a 7-years period were evaluated retrospectively. CT and CTA were performed on each affected limb.
Results: Characterization and classification based on CT and CTA were consistent with intraoperative results.
Conclusion: CT and CTA can show anatomic variations in the popliteal fossa and may be valuable in the diagnosis of PAES in adults presenting with intermittent claudication.