Effect of Sex Hormones on Serum Levels of Nesfatin-1 in Experimental Rats

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Effect of Sex Hormones on Serum Levels of Nesfatin-1 in Experimental Rats, MAHER N. IBRAHIM, KAMELIA I. ATTIA, MARWA A. HABIB and DALIA A. ROSHDY


Background: Nesfatin-1 is nucleobindin 2-derived polypeptide involved in feeding regulation. The expression of Nesfatin-1 in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and repro-ductive organs drew the attention to its potential role in regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Yet, very few data are available regarding the effect of gonadal hormones on the regulation of Nesfatin-1.
Aim of Study: The present study was designed to explore the probable sex difference in serum Nesfatin-1 levels and the relationship between serum levels of sex hormones and Nesfatin-1 in adult male and female albino rats.
Material and Methods: The study involved 18 male and 30 female albino rats. The male rats were divided in to three equal groups: Control (M Cont.), orchidectomized (ORX), and testosterone-treated orchidectomized (T-treated ORX). The female rats were divided in to five equal groups: Control (F Cont.), ovariectomized (OVX), estradiol-treated ovariect-omized (E-treated OVX), progesterone-treated ovariectomized (P-treated OVX), and estradiol and progesterone-treated ovariectomized (E + P-treated OVX). Serum levels of Nesfatin-1, LH (in all rats), testosterone (in male rats), estradiol and progesterone (in female rats) were measured.
Results: Serum levels of Nesfatin-1 were higher in female than in male control rats. Nesfatin-1 levels significantly decreased in ORX group compared with M Cont. group and increased in T-treated ORX group compared with ORX group. Nesfatin-1 positively correlated with testosterone in ORX and T-treated ORX groups, but insignificantly correlated with LH in all groups. Serum levels of Nesfatin-1 were significantly decreased in OVX group compared with F Cont. group and increased in E-treated OVX, P-treated OVX and In E + P-treated OVX groups when compared with those of OVX group. Positive correlations were found between Nesfatin-1 and both estradiol and progesterone in OVX, E-treated OVX, P-treated OVX, and E+P-treated OVX groups; however, no significant correlations were found with LH in all groups.
Conclusion: From the above results it can be concluded that gonadal hormones are important regulators of serum levels of Nesfatin-1 in albino rats.


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