Effect of Cisplatin on the Kidney of the Albino Rat and Possible Protective Role of Vitamin C

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Effect of Cisplatin on the Kidney of the Albino Rat and Possible Protective Role of Vitamin C, REEM H. MOHAMED, YEHIA M. YOUSSEF, MANAL H. EL-KAFRAWY, OLA A. EL-SAYED and AMINA M. TOLBA



Background: Cisplatin has a major nephrotoxic effect.

Aim of Study: To evaluate the protective effect of vitamin C against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.

Material and Methods: Sixty adult albino rats divided into 5 groups; group I (10 rats; control), group II (10 rats); received single dose of cisplatin 6mg/kg IP. Group III (10 rats); received single dose of cisplatin 6mg/kg IP 6 hours after single dose of oral vitamin C 350mg/kg. Group IV (15 rats); received single dose of cisplatin 2mg/kg/week for 4 weeks IP and subdivided into three subgroups (5 rats each). Group V (15 rats); received single dose of cisplatin 2mg/kg/week for 4 weeks IP 6 hours after single dose of oral vitamin C 350mg/kg and subdivided into three subgroups (5 rats each). Kidneys were dissected and stained by (H&E), Masson's trichrome (MT) and Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and examined by light microscopy, and fresh tissue taken from group I, IV-

B and V-C examined by electron microscopy.

Results: Our results showed toxic effect of cisplatin on renal glomeruli and proximal tubular lining in group II with improvement in group III, chronic toxicity effect in group IV-

C in the form of hyaline casts and thickened BM with apparent improvement in group V.

Conclusion: We conclude that the vitamin C has a protec-tive effect against cisplatin- induced nephrotoxicity.


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