The Effect of Cervicogenic Headache on the Myoelectrical Activities of Suboccipital Muscles, Range of Motion and Functional Activities of the Neck at Different Ages

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The Effect of Cervicogenic Headache on the Myoelectrical Activities of Suboccipital Muscles, Range of Motion and Functional Activities of the Neck at Different Ages, MOHAMED A. EMAM, FATMA S. AMIN, DOAA I. AMIN and RADWA AZMY



Background: Cervicogenic Headache (CGH) represents a major health problem, aggravating Quality of Life (QOL) and work productivity. The Suboccipital Muscles (SOM) have been identified as playing a role in cervical pain, and are therefore a target for rehabilitation.

Aim of the Study: To asses the effect of CGH on myoe-lectrical activities of suboccipital muscles, functional activities and ROM of neck.

Subjects and Methods: Thirty patients with CGH of both genders participated in this study. They were recruited from the out patient clinic of Kasr El-Ainy and thirty normal subjects, their ages ranged from 18-55 years old. They were randomly assigned into 2 experimental groups: Group A (18- 35 years)-group B (36-55 years) & 2 control groups: Group C (18-35 years)-group D (36-55 years). Myoelectrical activities was measured by Natus nicolet vikingquest to analyze the motor unit potentials by quantitative measures & neck range of motion was measured by Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) device and functional activities of the neck was measured by Neck Disability Index (NDI).

Results: There was non significance increase in myoelec-trical activities of the suboccipital muscles in cervicogenic patients than normal subjects with (p-value=0.147). And there was statistical significant decrease in all ROM values and functional activities in cervicogenic patients than normal subjects in cervicogenic patients than normal subjects with (p-value <0.05).

Conclusion: This study provides sound evidence for SOM alterations in in myoelectrical activities in patients with CGH.


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