Evaluation of Cosmetic Appearance and Ocular Motility Following Evisceration Surgery

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Evaluation of Cosmetic Appearance and Ocular Motility Following Evisceration Surgery, OSAMA E. SHALABY, AMR M. AWARA, HEBA M. SHAFIK and HOSSAM M.F. DAWOUD



Background: Evisceration is a surgical technique that is used for cosmetic and curative reasons in many ocular diseases such as phthisis bulbi.

Aim of the Study: Evaluation of the cosmetic results and motility of the artificial prosthesis after two techniques of evisceration with insertion of prosthesis.

Patients and Methods: The study was carried out in ophthalmology department in Tanta University Hospital included 20 patients divided randomly into 2 equal groups. We underwent full history taking and acquired ophthalmolog-ical examination.

Operation and Follow-up: Evisceration of the eye with scleral quadrisection and insertion of an implant inside sclera in 10 patients (the first group) and addition of relaxing circumferential incision at posterior sclera in another 10 patients (the 2nd group). Follow-up was carried out in 1st day after operation, 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks.

Results: Postoperative superior sulcus deformity difference between 2 groups was statistically significant (p-value=0.031) and it was markedly deformed in 40% of cases in group 1 and 20% in group 2. Palpebral fissure height had also statistically significant difference between 2 groups (p-value=0.030). enophthalmos was significantly reduced in the 2nd group (mean=0.700±0.483) in comparison to the 1st group (mean= 1 .700± 1 .059).

Conclusion and Recommendations: Performing relaxing posterior sclerotomies with evisceration surgeries allows insertion of larger implant with no increased risk of extrusion and this technique improves cosmetic appearance and motility of the prosthesis.


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