Sexual Dimorphism of Mandibular Ramus in an Egyptian Sample: A Radiographic Study

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Sexual Dimorphism of Mandibular Ramus in an Egyptian Sample: A Radiographic Study, MOHAMED EL-SHAFEY, MOHAMED EL-SHERBINY, RANIA N. SHERIF and HEND M. ABO EL-ATTA



Background: Determination of the sex is an important step in the identification of skeletal remains especially in missing persons and mass disasters. Mandible, being a strong bone that is difficult to damage and disintegrate, is an important tool in sex determination.

Aim of the Study: The present study aimed to evaluate accuracy of mandibular metric standards for estimating sexual dimorphism.

Methods: The study was conducted on 90 males and 92 females of Egyptian sample. Orthopantomographs were taken for evaluating eleven mandibular metric parameters. Four models were adopted by the stepwise discriminant analysis test to define the best predictor of sex discrimination in the Egyptian population sample.

Results: All parameters were found to be significantly different between both sexes; and the most dimorphic param-eters were coronoid height, projective height, and mandibular canal length, followed by mandibular notch depth and condylar height. Meanwhile the least variables were gonial angle and bicondylar length.

Conclusion: This study proves that mandibular measure-ments on digital radiograph are useful in sex determination.


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