Structural Changes Induced by Potassium Dichromate in Renal Cortex of Adult Male Albino Rats and the Possible Protective Role of Selenium,

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Structural Changes Induced by Potassium Dichromate in Renal Cortex of Adult Male Albino Rats and the Possible Protective Role of Selenium, ALSHYMAA O.H. AHMED, HANAN E.L. MOKHTAR, HEBA O.M. HELMY and SAMAA S. ABD EL-FATAH



Background: Potassium Dichromate (Cr) is a common environmental agent that has been considered potentially carcinogenic, making it an issue of major environmental and search concern.

Aim of Study: The aim of this study was to throw light on the possible structural changes in the renal cortex of adult male albino rats after administration of Cr and to elucidate the possibility of protection by selenium (Se) against the deleterious effects of Cr.

Material and Methods: Thirty six adult male albino rats weighing 200-230g were divided equally into four groups as follow: Group I received balanced diet and tap water only; Group II received Se orally 0.25mg/kg b.w/daily; Group III rats were received Cr orally 67mg/kg/daily and Group IV rats were received oral Cr and Se at same previous doses. Animals were sacrificed on day 28.

Results: The Cr-treated group showed damage of the renal cortex including capsule and renal interstitium. Masson's trichrome staining showed abundant collagen fibers. The expression of caspase-3 in the cytoplasm showed strong positive immune reaction in group III. Biochemical results showed Cr induced significant increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (SC) and uric acid (UA). While morphometric measurement indicated that Cr induced a sta-tistical significant decrease in rat body weight and diameter of glomeruli when compared with other groups. The Cr-treated group also showed a statistical significant increase in kidney weight, surface area of Bowman space, diameter of the con-voluted tubules, area percentage of collagen fibers and ex-pression of caspase-3. Meanwhile, administration of Se showed some protection against the toxic effect of Cr on renal cortex.

Conclusion: It is suggested that administration Se mod-erately improves the deleterious histological and biochemical changes induced by Cr on renal cortex.


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