Incidence of Bacteriuria in Adult Renal Stone Patients Having Ureteric Stents and Undergoing Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy

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Incidence of Bacteriuria in Adult Renal Stone Patients Having Ureteric Stents and Undergoing Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, ABDULAZIZ AL-AMRI, FATIH EL-RAHMAN O. BABIKER, MOHAMMED RASHID and ABDULMAJEED AYDH



Background: To evaluate the effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) on the incidence of bacte-riuria in patients with JJ stents who had sterile urine prior to ESWL.

Aim of Study: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of ESWL on the incidence of bacteriuria in patients with JJ stents who had sterile urine prior to ESWL.

Material and Methods: The study was conducted between January and August 2015 in Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia. We prospectively recruited 126 patients who had JJ stents previously inserted for renal or ureteral stones. Elderly patients and those with chronic medical diseases and other risk factors were excluded. All the patients had negative urine culture just before ESWL. Urine cultures were done twice, immediately after ESWL and two weeks later to detect the presence of bacteriuria. Those who had one or two positive cultures for bacterial growth were labeled to be having bac-teriuria after ESWL, while those with negative cultures were labeled as negative for bacteriuria.

Results: Out of 126 patients with JJ stents, 20.6% devel-oped bacteriuria after ESWL. The incidence of bacteriuria in females was higher than males (p=0.002). Duration since JJ stent insertion (54.3±11.4 days) and the number of JJ stents were found to be significantly associated with positive bacte-riuria (p<0.001 for both). Number and size of stones were also associated with positive bacteriuria after ESWL (p=0.009 and p<0. 001, respectively).

Conclusions: Incidence of bacteriuria in patients with renal stones with ureteric stents undergoing ESWL was 20.6%, which was comparable to that of patients with ureteric stents who did not undergo ESWL. Therefore, antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with ureteric stents undergoing ESWL may not be necessary, except in certain cases (i.e., female gender, several stents and their prolonged duration, as well as the multiple stones and their large size).


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