Evaluation of the Role of Gonadotropins in Regulating Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Into Testicular Leydig Cells

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Evaluation of the Role of Gonadotropins in Regulating Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Into Testicular Leydig Cells, DALIA H. ABOUELELA, THORIA A. OMAR, HAGER S. ABOU EL-NAGA and EMAN S. SHABAN



Background: Testicular Leydig cells are the cells who responsible or testosterone hormone production which in turn is the principle male sex hormone and is responsible for reproductive growth and development in male 2nd ry sexual characters.

Leydig cells depletion may result from different issues may be congenital, acquired as a result of trauma, radiation, chemotherapy and others which result in low testosterone level.

Transplantation of Leydig cells which obtained from Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation by effect of gonado-tropins has become a main treatment modality in patients with low testosterone levels.

Aim of Study: In this study, Wharton's jelly MSCs were isolated and induced to differentiate into leydig cells as promising tool for transplantation.

Material and Methods: The Leydig differentiation was induced using gonadotropins and evaluated by secretion of testosterone were determined using immunoassay and the results were compared between the experimental and control groups.

Results: Wharton's jelly MSCs induced with gonadotropins successfully differentiated to leydig cells that secret testoster-one.

Conclusion: The present study showed that Wharton's jelly MSCs can differentiated in vitro to leydig cells as future therapy of male infertility.


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