Autogenic Drainage versus Counter Rotation Effect on Blood Gases in Post Thoraco Abdominal Surgery

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Autogenic Drainage versus Counter Rotation Effect on Blood Gases in Post Thoraco Abdominal Surgery, MAI G. MOUSTAFA, NESREEN G. EL-NAHAS, MONA M. TAHA and MOHAMED M. ABD EL-HAQ



Background: This study was conducted to find outthe effect of autogenic drainage and counter rotation on blood gases in thoraco abdominal surgery.

Aim of the Study: To compare the effect of autogenic drainage and counter rotation on blood gases in thoraco abdominal surgery.

Patients and Methods: This study comprised 40 adult patients aged from 40-50 of both sexes who chosed from Kasr Aini Hospital.

Methods: They were divided into two groups equal in number.

1-Group A: 20 patients that received first traditional physio-therapy (breathing exercise, percussion, vibration with postural drainage) then autogenic drainage.

2-Group B: 20 patients that received first traditional physio-therapy (breathing exercise, percussion, vibration with postural drainage) then counter rotation. The treatment done 3 times per day for 2 weeks.

Results: The results showed that there was no significance difference between both groups in PH, PAO2, PACO2, HCO3. But there was significant difference in oxygen saturation between both group at the end of 14 days. There was a significant increase in SaO2 of group A compared with that of group B at 14th day (p=0.001).

Conclusion: Autogenic drainage had a positive effect on oxygen saturation than counter rotation technique, the results of this study support the importance of adding autogenic drainage to traditional physiotherapy to improve oxygen saturation.


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