Correlation between Functional Capacity and Autistic Features for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Correlation between Functional Capacity and Autistic Features for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, HADEER A. ABD EL-KHALIK, EMAN I. EL-HADIDY, SAMIA A. ABD EL-RAHMAN and KAMILIA S. ABD EL-HAMID


Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a life-long neuro-developmental condition interfering with the person's ability to communicate and relate to others. Autistic features are stereotype behavior, deficits in social interaction and communication.
Aim of Study: To examine the relation between the autistic features and the functional capacity in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Patients and Methods: 30 children with autism spectrum disorder aged from 5 to 8 years old were recruited from the Pediatric Clinic of El-Mattaria Teaching Hospital in Mattaria, Cairo. Their autism index ranged from mild to moderate according to the Arabic version of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale. Autistic features were assessed by Arabic version of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale while the functional capacity was assessed by the six-minute walk test.
Results: There was no relation between the autistic features and the functional capacity of all participated children.
Conclusion: Autistic features did not affect the functional capacity in children with autism spectrum disorder.


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