Efficacy of Sacro-Occipital Technique on Sacroiliac Joint Instability in Females

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Efficacy of Sacro-Occipital Technique on Sacroiliac Joint Instability in Females, EMAN M.H. SHERIF, SALWA F. ABD EL-MAGEED and MAHMOUD M.I. ABD EL-GHAFFAR


Background: Sacroiliac function is considered to be important in many manual therapy systems because of the complexity and location of the Sacroiliac joint in the kinetic chain, moreover 98% of patients having low back pain had mechanical dysfunction of the sacroiliac joints.
Aim of Study: The aim of this study is to explore the effect of Sacro-occipital technique on pelvic obliquity in patients with Sacroiliac joint instability.
Patients and Methods: Thirty female patients were ran-domly assigned into two groups and each group consists of 15 patient. Control Group (A) treated by Therapeutic ultrasound and study Group (B) treated by Sacro-occipital technique + Pelvic belt + Therapeutic ultrasound. Referred from orthopedist with the diagnosis of Sacroiliac joint pain with mean age, weight and height 29.5 (3.8) years, 74.7 (5.3) kg, and 163 (4.4) cm respectively. Pelvic obliquity was objectively meas-ured by using pelvic inclinometer.
Results: No statistically significant difference between groups in pelvic obliquity before treatment. But a significant reduction in pelvic obliquity was observed in the study group (B) compared to the control group (A).
Conclusion: The study proved that Sacro ocipital technique decreased the pelvic obliquity in patient with sacro iliac joint instability. 


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