Comparative Study between Topical Flutamide Alone or Combined with Carboxytherapy in Treatment of Patients with Melasma

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Comparative Study between Topical Flutamide Alone or Combined with Carboxytherapy in Treatment of Patients with Melasma, ARWA M. HASSAN, GAMAL M. EL-MAGHRABY, GHADA F.R. HASSAN and HEMMAT M. EL-ADAWY


Background: Melasma is one of the most common causes of facial hyperpigmentation which causes cosmetic disfigure-ment and leads to psychological proplems, although various treatments are available for melasma, it remains a difficult condition to treat.
Aim of Study: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of topical flutamide 1% alone and in-combination with Carbox-ytherapy in treatment of patients with melasma.
Patients and Methods: The study included 30 female patients with different types and patterns of melasma. They were divided into two groups, each group included 15 patients: Group A, patients were treated with 1% flutamide topical gel on the face and group B, patients were treated with 1% flutamide topical gel on the face and carboxytherapy injection was done in both sides of the face every four weeks for three sessions.
Results: Both groups showed highly significant decrease in mMASI score after the treatment in which group B showed better results with (p-value=0.048*) than group A with (p-value=0. 007*).
Conclusion: As new treatment for melasma topical fluta-mide was effective and safe therapeutic modalities. Carboxy-therapy could be effective and safe new treatment modality for melasma as adjuvant treatment with topical flutamide.


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