Effect of Educational Program About Care of Patients Connected to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) on Nurses Knowledge and Practices

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Effect of Educational Program About Care of Patients Connected to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) on Nurses Knowledge and Practices, MONA M. SHABAN, WARDA Y. MOHAMED, AKRAM M. ABD EL-BARY and FATMA S. ALI


Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (EC-MO) or Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is a technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support for apatient whose heart and lung are unable to provide an adequate gas exchange to sustain life. Therefore, crtical care nurses should have specific knowledge and practice to provide safe, and efficient care for such group of patients.
Aim of Study: This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of ECMO educational program on nurses' knowledge and practices.
Subject and Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the current study. Research hypotheses:
(1)Critical care nurses who attend the educational program about care of patient connected to ECMO will have a higher post-test mean knowledge scores as compared to their pre-test mean knowledge scores all through the assessment times.
(2)Critical care nurses who attend the educational program about care of patients connected to ECMO will have a higher post mean practice scores as compared to their pre-test mean practice scores all through the assessment times. A conven-ience sample of 34 nurses was included in the current study. The study was conducted in a selected Critical Care Depart-ment affiliated to Cairo University Hospitals. Three tools were utilized to collect data pertinent to the study: Critical care nurses personal Data sheet; Critical care Nurses' knowl-edge Questionnaire regarding care of patients connected to ECMO; and Critical Care Nurses' observational check list about care of patient connected to ECMO. The current study revealed that, the majority (94.1%) of nurses did not attend any training courses about care of patient connected to ECMO. The two stated research hypotheses were supported indicating significant improvement of critical care nurses knowledge and practices after implementation of ECMO educational program (F-ratio 494.8 at p£0.0001* & 242.204 at p£.0001 respectively).
Conclusion: Impementation of a nursing educational program about care of patient connected to ECMO helped in  assessment and enhancement of nursing knowledge and prac-tices. This will be reflected on critically ill patients' care.
Recommendations: Carrying out in-service training, work-shops and continuing educational program a bout ECMO; provision of written guidelines about care of patients on ECMO; and strict observation of nurses practices.


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