Effect of Pilates Exercise on Primary Dysmenorrhea

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Effect of Pilates Exercise on Primary Dysmenorrhea, EMAN M. EL-BABLY, KHADIGA S. ABD EL-AZIZ, ASMAA M. EL-BANDRAWY and MOHAMAD F. ABO EL-ENEIN


Background: Primary dysmenorrhea complicates the lives among adolescents females, affects the quality of life of many women in their reproductive years. Pilates exercise is a safe, non invasive treatment modality to relief pain of primary dysmenorrhea.
Aim of Study: To investigate the effect of Pilates exercises on primary dysmenorrhea.
Subjects and Methods: This study was carried out upon 30 girls, theirage ranged between 18-23 years. They diagnosed as having primary dysmenorrhea with regular menstrual cycles. They were selected from students of Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University with body mass index did not exceed 30kg/m2. They did not receive any anti-inflammatory or anti-spasmotic drugs during the study. They were randomly assigned into two groups. Control group (A) received TENS (frequency 100Hz with pulse width of 95 microseconds) only andthe study group (B) received Pilates exercises in addition to TENS for eight weeks. Assessment of all participants in all groups (A & B) was carried out through Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and plasma cortisol level before and after treat-ment.
Results: The results revealed a significant decrease in intensity of pain and plasma cortisol levelfor both groups (A and B) after the treatment program (study group, p<0.001 & 0.001 and control group, p=0.033 & 0.036) respectively but in favor of group A. There was a positive correlation between intensity of pain andthe plasma cortisol levelofpretreatment values where the r-value equals (+0.571) with associated probability value of (0.001).
Conclusion: Pilates exercises are effective, safe and non invasive therapeutic modality in reducing menstrual pain.


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