Value of the Chest X-Rays in Diagnosis of Children with Heart Disease in the Age Group 1-4 Years

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Value of the Chest X-Rays in Diagnosis of Children with Heart Disease in the Age Group 1-4 Years, SALAH EL-DIN A. AHMAD, KOTB A. METWALLEY and HEBA K. NODY


Background: Chest X-ray continues to have an important role in diagnosis of heart diseases.
Aim of Study: We aim by this the study to evaluate the use of chest X-ray in the Pediatric Cardiology Unit in Assiut University Children Hospital for children (1-4 years old) with suspected heart disease.
Patients and Methods: This was a six-month, case series clinical study undertaken in the inpatient Pediatric Cardiology Unit, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut City, Egypt; between 1 of April 2016 to 30 of September 2016.
Results: Chest X-ray is an important tool in evaluating heart disease in children. Noninvasive imaging such as echocar-diography and cardiac MRI provide valuable and detailed assessment of the cardiovascular system; however, the cost incurred from these diagnostic procedures is significant making their routine use difficult.
Conclusion: Auditing the guidelines of interpretation of the chest radiograph for children aged one year to four years at the Pediatric Cardiology Unit of Assiut University Hospital for Children, it could be concluded: Chest roentgenogram is accurate in detecting cardiac site and situs.


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