Vol. 87, December 2019

Prevalence of Congenital Anomalies of Uterus in Sohag Government: A Descriptive Study by Trans-Vaginal Three Dimensional Ultrasound

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Prevalence of Congenital Anomalies of Uterus in Sohag Government: A Descriptive Study by Trans-Vaginal Three Dimensional Ultrasound, SAYED A. SAYED, SALWA M. OUIES and BOTHYNA Z. ELSAYED


Background: A large number of uterine anomalies are detected routinely in reproductive medicine. The prevalence of these congenital uterine anomalies in women with repro-ductive failure remains unclear especially in Upper Egypt.
The Aim of Study: Was to estimate the prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies in women with infertility in Sohag by Transvaginal Three Dimensional Ultrasound (TV3DUS).
Methods: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out for 977 infertile women in 2018 based on reviewing of radiological images at Sohag governorate. After taking informed and written consent, a detailed history, general and systemic examination was done. All the cases underwent TV3DUS performed during the postmenstrual phase. Exami-nations had been performed using flips iu220 machine by a single operator and was commented as either normal or abnormal uterine cavity.
Results: A total of 977 women were included in the study. 808 (82.7%) had a normal uterus and 169 (17.3%) had a congenital uterine anomalies. The most common anomalies were arcuate [n=84 (49.7%)] and septate [n=62 (36.8%)] uterus, followed by unicornate [n=9 (5.3%)] and then T-shaped and hypoplastic uterus [n=4 each (2.3% each)], lastly didelphys and bicornate [n=3 each (1.8% each)].
Conclusions: TV3D ultrasound is an accurate and simple method to detect and classify congenital uterine anomalies and should become the first diagnostic step in the assessment of the uterine cavity. Prevalence of uterine congenital anomalies in Sohag was 17.3%. The most common type of uterine congenital anomalies was arcuate uterus.


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