Review Article: Protocol of Periodontal Management for Diabetic Patient,HAKEM H. ELSAYED
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine-metabolic disease pro-duced by non-well controlled. Blood glucose levels because of deficiencies in insulin production or activity. Clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that patients with a long history of diabetes seem to have more periodontal tissue breakdown than age matched, non-diabetic controls. The influence of diabetes over periodontal disease is well estab-lished, but the effect of periodontal disease and its treatment over the diabetes control is not so clear. For Periodontal management to diabetic patients you may face many problems regarding diabetes complications, timing for treatment diet Medication balance, dealing with apprehensive diabetic patient dealing with the most common dental office complication, the need for antibiotics and host modulatory agents, the acceptable laboratory values before performing periodontal surgery, lastly the preventive strategies to minimize the debilitating effects of diabetes on the patients periodontium. The goal of the present study was to formulate a guideline of periodontal management for diabetic patient.