Identifying Nurses’ Perception of their Rights and its Influence on Decision Making at Beni-Suef University Hospital, LAILA ABDO and MONA N.A. MOHAMED
Background: Nurses' rights covered nurses' human rights, professional rights and employment rights within their work environment. Neglecting or improper fulfillment of these rights by the health care organization has serious and significant impact on the nurses and health care organization decision making which affect the total outcome of the hospital produc-tivity, quality of care, patient satisfaction and nurses' job satisfaction.
Methods: A descriptive design was utilized to attain the aim of the present study. Data were collected through ques-tionnaire developed by the investigator consist of two parts; first part was related to the socio-demographic data, the second part was related to the nurses perception of their rights and the extent to which they are fulfilled by the hospital. The sample was 150 staff nurses.
Results: The results revealed that there is a significant difference between nurses perceived importance and the extent of implementation of their rights.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that the hospital are not meeting nurses' rights as these discrepancy between what nurses perceived as important right and the extent of its fulfillment by the hospital.
Aim: Identify the nurses' perceptions of their rights and the extent to which the rights are fulfilled by the hospital and its influence on decision making of Beni-Sueif University Hospital.
Recommendations: Delegating full authority and power to the nursing director and be member in the hospital board, Egyptian Nurses Syndicate has to set standards for nurses' work environment, have standing committee within the nursing service department, nursing personnel have to be represented in the hospital committees, there should be well staffed in-service education department ,developing Bani Sueif Hospital Nurses Union, there may be a need to have nursing board in the hospital, the media should give positive nursing image and there should be an assessment for nursing satisfaction at intervals.