The Effect of Deproteinization of Dentin Surface on the Micro-Shear Bond Strength to Dentin, AMR F. GHONAIM, MOHAMED M. ABDELMOHSEN, DINA W. ELKASSAS and AHMED F. ABO-EL-EZZ
This study was carried out to study the effect of depro-teinization on the micro-shear bond strength values of a nanofilled adhesive system. Two total-etch, one filled and the other unfilled were used. A total of 20 freshly extracted, sound, non-carious, human permanent first molars were selected and used in this study. The samples were divided into two main groups of twenty specimens each according to the dentin surface pretreatment. In the first group the teeth were used as control, while in the second group the dentin surfaces were deproteinized with NaOCl. The two groups were divided into two classes of five teeth each according to the presence or absence of filler particles in the adhesive system.
It was found that deproteinization of dentin substrate enhanced the bonding of etch and rinse adhesive (filled and unfilled). It was also found that the existence of filler didn’t affect bonding to sound dentin.