Comparison between External Oblique Intercostal Plane Block (EOI) and Pre-Incisional Local Infiltration on Intra and Acute Post-Operative Pain Control in Adult Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgeries: Randomized Controlled Prospective Comparative Study, YAHYA M. HAMMAD, NEVAN M. EL MEKAWY, MOATASEM A. ERFAN, ABDELRAHMAN B. MOHAMMED and ALAA A.M. NIAZI
Background: Bariatric surgeries can cause severe pain in intra and postoperative period which can cause serious suf-fering to adult obese patients, prolong recovery, and increase opioids consumption which have a lot of risks and side effects such as respiratory depression, constipation, dizziness and dependency, Thus we used External oblique intercostal plane block as a method to reduce intraoperative and postoperative pain and opioids consumption compared to preincisional local infiltration. Aim of Study: Comparing the efficacy of External Oblique Intercostal plane block with Preincisional local infiltration in intraoperative and acute post operative pain control in adult pa-tients aged from 21-60 years underwent bariatric surgeries at Souad Kafafi Hospital. Patients and Methods: After approval of scientific and ethi-cal committees, 72 adults aged 21-60 years submitted to Gener-al Anaesthesias in Souad Kafafi Hospitals were enrolled in this study from October 2022 to April 2023. Adults were allocated in two groups: Group (A) which receive External Oblique In-tercostal plane block and Group (B) which receive Preincision-al local infiltration, intraoperative haemodynamics (HR, Mean Bp, Spo2) and fentanyl consumption were calculated after in-duction of General Anaesthesia, post operative VAS score and Morphine consumption were recorded. Results: External Oblique Intercostal plane block was ef-ficient to reduce intra and postoperative pain and opioids con-sumption in 77.7% of patients, while preincisional local infil-tration was efficient in only 44.4% of patients.
Conclusion: External Oblique Intercostal plane block pro-vided better analgesia and pain control as compared to preinci-sional local infiltration in intra and post operative period.