Role of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in Diagnosis of Different Benign and Malignant Obstructive Biliary Diseases, MAHMOUD ABD EL-LATIF, MOHAMED A. BORG and SALLY M. ABD EL-NABY
Aim: To evaluate the role of Magnetic Resonance Cho-langiopancreatography (MRCP) in diagnosis of different benign and malignant obstructive biliary diseases.
Material and Methods: From December 2014 till Decem-ber 2015, this study was conducted on 40 (24 males and 16 females) patients referred to Radio-Diagnosis Department, Mansoura University Hospital with suspected biliary obstruc-tive disease on clinical and laboratory basis. First, abdominal ultrasound was done for detection of biliary obstruction. Then MRCP on 1.5 Tesla machine (Philips ingenia) was performed for all patients through conventional axial and coronal T2WMRI, 3DMRCP, MIP, and VR images. Finally, the results of MRCP was correlated with that of direct cholangiography (ERCP and PTC)/histopathological diagnosis/operative find-ings (taken as gold standard). The diagnostic validity test was used to calculate the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRCP.
Results: Diagnostic accuracy of MRCP in detection of biliary dilatation and level of obstruction was 100%. However, it had 95% accuracy in detection the cause of obstruction. In the diagnosis of benign biliary obstruction, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRCP was 100%. While for detecting the malignant etiology of obstruction, MRCP had sensitivity and accuracy of 90.5%. The overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRCP in the diagnosis and differ-entiation of benign and malignant biliary obstructive diseases were 90.5%, 100% and 95% respectively.
Conclusion: MRCP is an important non invasive imaging technique in the evaluation of patients with various biliary obstructing diseases.