Vol. 86, December 2018

Vol. 86, December 2018

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A Clinical Audit Study on Management of Childhood Epilepsy in Assiut University Hospital 563
A Study on the Immunological Changes in Adult Male Obese Rats and the Possible Immune Modulator Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation 584
Advanced Airway Management Techniques for Paramedics: (Review Artical) 146
Alterations of Static and Dynamic Balance in Lumbar Radiculopathy 618
An Analytic Study of Nerve Regeneration between End-to-End and End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy: An Experimental Study in Rats 547
Anatomical and Morphomertic Study of the Menisci of the Knee Joint in Egyptians 567
Anterior Segment Biometry Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography 646
Anterior Surgery of Hard and Soft Cervical Disc 601
Arthroscopic Management of Acute Traumatic Primary Anterior Shoulder Dislocation 647
Ascitic Fluid Markers Hepcidin, Calprotectin, and Lactoferrin in Early Diagnosis and Followup of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis 542
Assessment of Laparoscopic Mini-Gastric Bypass (LMGB) as A Treatment for Failed Vertical Band Gastroplasty (VBG); Safety and Outcome 549
Audit of Antibiotic Uses in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Assiut University Hospital 544
Awareness and Knowledge of Adult Saudi Patients with Visual Impairment about Cataract 653
CD64 and CD11b Versus Conventional Bacteriological Methods in Early Detection of Bacterial Neonatal Sepsis 555
Chronic Subdural Hematoma Prognostic Factors for Recurrence 613
Circulating CD4+ CD28 Null T Cells and CD4+ CD28+ T Lymphocytes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis 517
Clinical Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies: A Review 141
Clinical Audit on Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 575
Clinical Audit on Management of Hematemesis in Children Admitted to Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit of Assiut University Children Hospital 788
Clinical Audit on Service Provider Hand Hygiene at Neonatal ICU of Assiut University Childern Hospital 498
Comparative Study between Bone Flap Insertion in Abdominal Wall Versus Flail Replacement in Decompressive Craniectomy of Acute Subdural Hematoma 442
Comparative Study between Effect of Sleeve Gastrectomy and Mini-Gastric Bypass on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 541
Comparative Study between Results of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty And Cannulated Screws in Management of Fracture Neck Femur in Old Age Group 494
Comparative Study between Use of Endoscopic Ultrasound before Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography Versus Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography Alone 513
Comparison between Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology-Perinatal Extension II (SNAP-PE II) and Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) in Prediction of Neonatal Mortality in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Tanta University Hospital 510
Comparison of Measurements from the Heidelberg Edge Perimetry with Standard Automated Perimeter in Glaucoma Patients 487
Comparison of the Changes in Corneal Biomechanical Properties after Photorefractive Keratectomy and Laser in Situ Keratomileusis Using Ocular Response Analyzer 519
Contrast-Enhanced Cerebral MR Venography Overcomes Causes of Drop of Signal in Time of Flight MR Venography 491
Conventional Versus Endoscopic Assisted Septoplasty for Management of Severe Nasal Septal Deviation 535
Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis Assessment Using Multi Detector Computed Tomography and its Correlation with Framingham Risk Score Among Symptomatic Patients with Chest Pain 479
Correlation between SOX2 and Mutant IDH1 Protein Expression in Astrocytomas and their Clinicopathologic Significance 526
Deterioration of School Performance as a Consequence of Parasitic Infestation in Menoufiya Governorate 566
Determination of Activity of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesions in the Brain by Different Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Pulse Sequences 485
Determination of Serum Endotoxin Level as an Early Cardiovascular Injury Marker in Obese Children and Adolescents 464
Determination of Vitamin D3 Content in High, Low and Zero Fat Food Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography 473
Diagnostic Value of 64-Slice Multi Detector Computed Tomographic Angiography in Assessment of Complicated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 530
Differentiation of Malignant from Benign Portal Vein Thrombi on CT Images Using Thrombus Density 564
Does the Portal Pressure Changes have an Effect on Liver Functions of Donor Hepatectomy in Living Donor Transplantation 490
Doppler Ultrasonography of Foetal Middle Cerebral and Umbilical Arteries in High Risk Pregnancy 500
Dysphagia Related Health Consequences among Patients with Acute Stroke in Cairo, Egypt 537
Effect of Bisphenol (A) on the Cerebellar Cortex of Albino Rats and Possible Protective Effect of Omega 3 525
Effect of Chronic Regular Swimming Exercise on Thyroid Function in Ovariectomized Rats 466
Effect of Electroacupuncture on Glucostasis in Diabetic Rats 566
Effect of Grasping Computer Mouse on Median Nerve Conduction Velocity in Computer Users 478
Effect of Health Teaching Sessions on Women's Knowledge Regarding Selected Danger Signals During Pregnancy 502
Effect of Intractable Epilepsy on the Physiological Cardiac Performance Parameters and the Serum Levels of Cardiac Fatty Acid Binding Protein in Pediatrics 612
Effect of Low Load Resistance Blood Flow Restriction Training on Knee Osteoarthritis 484
Effect of Metformin Pretreatment on Serum Adropin Level in Rats with Adrenalin-Induced Acute Myocardial Infarction 472
Effect of Neonatal Phototherapy on Serum Levels of Interleukin 1, 6, 8, TNFa and White Blood Cell Count 511
Effect of Oxytocin Treatment on Asprosin Serum Level and Liver Function Changes in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes 554
Effect of Preoperative Abdominal Training on Abdominal Muscles Strength Outcomes after Ventral Hernia Repair 512
Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Preeclampsia Cross Sectional Study 705
Effect of Ultrasound Versus Low Level Laser Therapy in Treatment of Postnatal Low Back Pain 581
Effect of Visfatin on Testosterone Hormone Level in Chronic Restraint Male Albino Rats 523
Effectiveness and Safety of Tubeless Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Management of Lower Pole Renal Stones, MOHAMED ABD EL-WAHED, AHMED M. SHOUMAN, ASHRAF MOSHARAFA and AHMED A. MORSY Show full text 468
Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the Liver of Male Adult Albino Rat and the Possible Protective Role of Vitamin C (Light and Electron Microscopic Study) 478
Efficacy Intravenous Tranexamic Acid in Reducing Blood Loss after Elective Cesarean Sections 465
Efficacy of Antimicrobial-Impregnated External Ventricular Drain Catheters: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial 435
Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Male Coccydenia after Urological Surgery 460
Efficacy of Incentive Spirometer Training on Diaphragmatic Excursion and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients 490
Electrolyte Disturbances in Cerebrovascular Stroke 551
Endoscopic Interlaminar Discectomy Using Simple Technique Without the use of Complicated Industrial Tubular Systems 443
Endovascular Management of Central Venous Stenosis in Haemodialysis Patients 532
Evaluating the Outcome of Direct Repair of Bile Duct Injury 501
Evaluation of Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Activity of White, Black Mulberry and Turmeric in Complete Freund's Adjuvant Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis Rats 491
Evaluation of Serum Obestatin Level in Rat Model of Diabetic Nephropathy 529
Exploring Risk Factors with Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among Infants in Intensive Care Units 449
Exploring the Link Between Chronic Stress and Substance Abuse Among Public Health Workers: Neuroendocrine Pathways 119
Fibro scan for Assessment of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Tanta University Hospital 472
Frequency and Presentation of Autoimmune Hepatitis and Type of Autoantibodies among Yemeni Patients Attending Private Medical Clinic in Aden Yemen 427
Glimepiride as Add-on Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Metformin Monotherapy: A Real-Life Study from Egypt 476
Grade of Dysphonia: Correlation with Patient Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Acoustic Measures 499
Guidelines for Application of Central Venous Catheters in Pediatric ICU of Assiut University Children Hospital (Clinical Audit) 456
Histopathological Patterns of Nasal Polyps in Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia: A Retrospective Hospital-Based Study 468
Human Platelet Rich Plasma Alleviates Liver Fibrosis in Murine Schistosomiasis Mansoni 426
Hybrid Management of Critical Limb Ischemia in Assiut University Hospital 555
Identification and in Vitro Susceptibility Pattern of Fungal Pathogens in Immunocomprimised Patients with Pulmonary Fungal Infections 469
Immediate Postplacental Insertion of Copper Intrauterine Device and Evaluation of Expulsion Rate in Cesarean Section 480
Investigating the Hospital Administration Skills and Leadership Styles 231
Language Development in Normal Libyan Children 585
Lateral Supraorbital Approach Versus Classic Pterional Approach In Suprasellar Meningiomas Regarding Accessibility and Safety 475
Lumbo Peritoneal Shunt in Management of Cases of Depressed Skull Fractures with Superior Sagittal Sinus Occlusion 482
Lymphocytic Count and Ratio as Predictive Factors for Pathological Response after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Rectal Cancer 458
Machine Learning Predict Patient Outcomes from Medical Records: Spine Surgery as A Case 165
Management of Childhood Empyema as a Complication of Community Acquired Pneumonia 517
Maternal and Perinatal Outcome of Major Degree Placenta Previa at Mansoura University Hospital 524
Mehran and AGEF Risk Scores in Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Among Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 489
Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Management of Lower Pole Renal Stones 2cm or Less 435
Modulation of Renal Aquaporin-3 by Swimming Exercise in Fructose Induced Metabolic Syndrome 456
MRI Evaluation of Hepatic Iron Overload in -Thalassemic Children 550
Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 584
Neoadjuvant or Definitive Chemoradiation for Locoregional Esophageal Cancer and its Outcome at South Egypt Cancer Institute (Retrospective Study) 479
Outcome of Second Line Chemotherapy (Gemcitabine, Dexamethasone, and Cisplatin) in Relapsed and Refractory Non Hodgkin Lymphoma 440
Penetrating Brain Injuries at Assiut University Hospital: One Year Study 539
Phase II Randomized Trial of Biweekly Bevacizumab, Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan (BEV-CAPEOXIRI) Versus Triweekly Bevacizumab, Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin (BEVCAPEOX) in Metastatic Colon Carcinoma 506
Posterior Fossa Intra-Axial Tumors: Surgical Outcomes 562
Posterior Fossa Tumours in Pediatrics; Retrospective Study of the MRI Features 563
Prevalence of Micro Vascular Obstruction and Major Adverse Cardiac Events by Echocardiography in Patients with STEMI after Reperfusion Therapy Compared with CMR 462
Preventive Multimodal Analgesia Versus Morphine in Cancer Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgeries 519
Primary Versus Accessory Respiratory Muscles Response to Kinesio Tape in Normal Subjects 505
Proprioception Errors in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis at Sagittal Plane 510
Prospective Evaluation of Surgical Management Strategy of Thyroid Diseases in Assiut University Hospitals, A Clinical Audit 477
Pure Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas: Technique and Early Results in Banha Neurosurgery Department 512
Quality of Life among Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis 518
Reconstruction of Comminuted Frontal Bone Fractures by Rib Graft or Titanium Mesh: Assiut University Hospital Experience 427
Recovery of Neurological Injury in Patients with Thoracolumbar Spine Fracture Relevant to the Fracture Pattern 429
Relationship between Absenteeism Rate and Job Satisfaction among ICU Nurses in Selected Hospitals 433
Relationship between Head Nurses Emotional Intelligence and Staff Nurses Job Satisfaction 511
Relationship between Spasticity and Motor Abilities in Children with Hemiplegia 523
Relationship of Adropin Level and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase with the Phases of Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats 489
Response of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia's Patient to Different Types of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors 476
Review Article: Early Onset Scoliosis: Definition, Etiology, Physical Examinations, Classification, and Methods of Treatment 481
Revisiting of the Epidemiology of Obesity among Primary School Children in Egypt 492
Right Anterolateral Minithoracotomy Versus Median Sternotomy in Mitral Valve Replacement 466
Role of Alpha Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein Expression in Beta Thalassemia Patients 461
Role of Anorectal Manometry in Anal Fissure and Outcome of Tailored Lateral Sphincterotomy in Hypertensive Internal Anal Sphincter: A Modified Minimal Invasive Technique 1636
Role of Changes in Some Adipokines with Obesity in Relation to Thyroid Function in Early Diagnosed Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism 528
Role of Complete Blood Picture in Predicting the Etiology of Extrahepatic Cholestasis 480
Role of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in Post Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury 525
Role of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in the Differentiation between Benign and Malignant Breast Masses in Correlation with Sono-Mammography 447
Role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor in the Control of Glycemic State in Type I and Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Rats: A Comparative Study 463
Role of Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) in Staging of Lung Cancer 571
Role of Endobronchial Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Mediastinal and Pulmonary Lesions 517
Role of Irisin Administration in Modulating Testicular Function in Adult Obese Albino Rats 483
Role of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) for Management of Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-Single Center Study 471
Role of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Diagnosis and Staging of Cholesteatoma 496
Serum Adropin Levels in a Preeclampsia Like L-Name Rat Model Treated with Sildenafil Citrate 455
Serum Apelin Level in Normal and Gestational Diabetic Rats: Effect of Treatment with Vitamin D 461
Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical Outcome of 30 Cases Managed by Decompressive Craniectomy 538
Sodium Fluorescein Guided Excision of High Grade Gliomas: A Tool for Total Excision 547
Spontaneous Spondylodiscitis: Conservative Versus Surgical Management 581
Study and Management of Fracture Mandible among Patients Admitted to Assiut University Hospital 481
Study of Some Predictors of Severe Hemolysis in Children with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency 472
Study of the Effect of Administration of Citalopram on the Liver of the Pregnant Albino Rats and the Liver of their Offspring 484
Study of the Vascular Structure of Solid Breast Mass and the Predictive Value of Reversed Diastolic Flow in Predicting Malignancy 494
Surgical Management of Spinal Meningioma 636
The Accuracy of Lung Ultrasonography Versus Chest Radiography for Diagnosis and Followup of Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients 479
The Diagnostic Performance of Red Cell Distribution Width and Mentzer Index for Discrimination between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Beta Thalassemia Trait 784
The Diagnostic Validity of TROP-2 in Recognizing Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma 564
The Effect of Exercises on Resistin of Post-Menopausal Pre Hypertension Women 487
The Effect of Kinesiotape on Unilateral Sciatica 573
The Effect of Rebound Therapy on Sitting in Children with Cerebral Palsy 573
The Effect of Zinc-Deficient Pregnant Albino Rats on the Retinal Development of their Embryos and Offspring: Light Microscopic and Immunohistochemical Study 488
The Effectiveness of Strengthening of Hip Extensors and Ankle Plantar Flexors in Early Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 548
The Efficacy of Subcutaneous Swabbing of Cesarean Section Wounds with Povidone Iodine to Prevent Post-Operative Wound Infection: A Randomized Controlled Study 486
The Impact of A 10-Week Proposed Training Program on Some Physiological Variables and Physical Abilities of Football Referees 477
The Impact of Digital Smile Design on Patient Satisfaction: (Review Artical) 167
The Impact of Myofascial Release on Vital Capacity and Diaphragmatic Excursion in Postsurgical Pleural Effusion 554
The Interplay between Apelin/APJ System and Renin Angiotensin System in Protection Against Cold Restraint Stress Induced Gastric Ulcers in Adult Male Rats 451
The Precise Local Tumor Characteristics of Supraglottic Carcinoma: A Comparison between Clinical, Radiological and Pathological Findings 438
The Predictive Effect of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) on the Functional Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke 481
The Predictive Factors of Abnormal Esophageal Motility in Systemic Sclerosis Patients by High Resolution Manometry 427
The Prevalence and Correlates of Back Pain in Adults: A Cross Sectional Study from Asir Region 494
The Protective Effect of Propolis Compared to Vitamins C and E Antioxidant Mixture in Cyclophosphamide-Induced Lung Toxicity In Mice 527
The Relation between Intravenous Fluid Intake and the Course of Labour in Primigravida 461
The Relationship between Neck Size of the Cerebral Saccular Aneurysms and Outcome after Endovascular Intervention 492
The Role of Erythropoiesis on Hepcidin Level in Polytransfused b-Thalassemia Major Patients 547
The Role of Lumbar Puncture in Management of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) 478
The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study 440
The Success Rate of Shock Wave in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review 482
The Use of Serum Survivin and AFP-L3 and their Combination in Improving Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis Especially in Patients with Low Serum AFP 463
Transcatheter Atrial Septal Defect Device Closure - A 2.5 Years Single Center Study 516
Treatment of Subtrochanteric Fractures Using the Proximal Femoral Locked Plate 515
Value of Renal Diffusion-Weighted MRI as a Non-Invasive Predictor of Renal Dysfunction 470
Vitamin D Status and Spontaneous Intra Cerebral Hemorrhage: Would it be Able to Help? 505
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