A Retrospective Comparative Study of Post Living Donor Liver Transplantation between Cirrhotic Patients With and Without Hepatocellular Carcinoma
521 |
A Study on Bone Mineral Density in Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Relation to Various Disease Parameters
680 |
Abdominal Exersises Versus Ultrasound Cavitation on Coronary Risk Profile in Obese Women
722 |
Actual Value of Application of Family Medicine in Primary Health Care
743 |
Acute Response of Pain and Blood Gases to Foot Reflexology versus Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation in Patients Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
519 |
Aerobic Exercises Versus Reflexology on Plasma Proteins' Levels in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
563 |
Aerobic versus Resisted Exercise on Glycated Hemoglobin (HBA1C) in Normal Subjects
735 |
Airway Management for Pediatric Patients Under Controlled Ventilation: A Comparative Study between I-gel Supraglottic Airway and Air-Q Intubating Laryngeal Airway (ILA)
529 |
Anatomical Variations of Celiac Trunk: An Angiographic Study
686 |
Assessment of Occupational Electromagnetic Fields Exposure for Electrotherapeutic Modality
522 |
Assessment of Primary Health Care Physicians' Awareness about Patients' Rights
616 |
Assessment of Undergraduate Health Sciences Colleges Students' Knowledge about Hand Hygiene: A Call for Curricular Reform
605 |
B-Flow, Power Doppler and Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Assessment of Carotid Stenosis: Comparison with 64-MD-CT Angiography
671 |
B-Flow, Power Doppler and Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Stenosis: Comparison with 64-MD-CT Angiography
850 |
Balance Training Effect on Gait Parameters and Quality of Life in Elderly
668 |
Biofeedback Training in Treatment of Vertigo Secondary to Cervical Lesions
682 |
Case Report: Huge Number of Fibroids Removed from Nulligravid Uterus
716 |
Case Report: Two-Stage Flexor Tendon Reconstruction Using Nasogastric Feeding Tube
716 |
Comparison of Intrathecal Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl as Adjuvants to Levobupivacaine in Parturients Undergoing Elective Cesarean Sections
647 |
Comparison of Intrathecal Magnesium and Fentanyl as Adjuvants to Levobupivacaine in Parturients Undergoing Elective Cesarean Sections
702 |
Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography Versus Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of BI-RADS 3 and BI-RADS 4 Breast Lesions
550 |
Correlation between Uterine Artery Diastolic Notch, Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Severity of Preeclampsia
581 |
Differentiation of Murine Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Cardiomyocytes,
598 |
Diode Cluster Laser versus Complete Decongestive Therapy in Postmastectomy Lymphedema
740 |
Does Septic Arthritis after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Always Affect Knee Range of Motion?
599 |
Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Physical Functioning and Quality of Life in Lymphoma Patients
613 |
Effect of Bronchial Asthma on Quality of Life among Patients Attending Family Medicine Clinics in Saudi Arabia
540 |
Effect of Dietary Counseling on Gestational Weight Gain and Pregnancy Outcome
541 |
Effect of Dietary Counseling on Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practices during Pregnancy
646 |
Effect of Early Mobilization on Pulmonary Functions Post Upper Abdominal Surgeries
802 |
Effect of Electro-Acupuncture on Serum Level of Leptin Hormone in Diabesity Female
697 |
Effect of Exercise Training Program on Interleukin 6 Following Thermal Burn
759 |
Effect of Exercises and Kinesio Tape on Range of Motion of Neck and Jaw Post Partial Glossectomy
549 |
Effect of Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia on Fetal Hemodynamics
785 |
Effect of Microcurrent on Post-Herpatic Trigeminal Neuralgia
936 |
Effect of Myriocin on Atherosclerosis Induced by High Fat High Cholesterol Diet in Rats
716 |
Effect of Obestatin on Testicular Functions of Normal and Streptozotocin Induced Type 1 Diabetic Rats
686 |
Effect of Phonophoresis on Coccydynia after Vaginal Delivery
878 |
Effect of Preoperative Instructions for Mothers on Selected Postoperative Outcomes among their Children with Hypospadias
673 |
Effect of Pulsed Magnetic Field on Platelets Count and Coagulation Process in Healthy Subjects
745 |
Effect of Reflexology on Lipoproteins in Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
732 |
Effect of Salat (Prayer) Movements versus Specific Stretching Exercises on Electromyographic Activity of Erector Spinae Muscle
686 |
Effect of Selected Pilates Exercise on Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain
726 |
Effect of SNAGS Mulligan Technique on Chronic Cervical Radiculopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
946 |
Effect of Therapeutic Exercise Intervention on Different Complications of Stem Cell Transplantation for Patients with Severe Aplastic Anemia
711 |
Effect of Topical Intranasal Steroid in Management of Otitis Media with Effusion
586 |
Effects of Statins Versus Corticosteroid and their Combination on the Modulation of Acute Lung Injury in Rats: Comparative Study
585 |
Efficacy of Adding Active Technique as Biofeedback to Pelvic Floor Muscles Training on Cure of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence- A Systematic Review
671 |
Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise Program on Immune System in Burned Children
735 |
Efficacy of Scapular Mobilization and Myofascial Release on Shoulder Girdle Function after Mastectomy
611 |
Efficacy of Specific Exercise Program on Patients with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome,
652 |
Evaluation of Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Using Double Protection Technique in Treatment of Severe Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
618 |
Evaluation of Response to Sofosbuvir Based Treatment Regimens in Chronic HCV Patients
610 |
Evaluation of Subfrontal, Pterional and Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches for Surgical Management of Suprasellar Pituitary Adenoma with Parasellar Extension
584 |
Evaluation of Subfrontal, Pterional and Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches for Surgical Management of Suprasellar Pituitary Adenoma with Parasellar Extension
472 |
Evaluation of the Benefit of Ultrasound Usage in Anterior SubTenon’s Block in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery
584 |
Evaluation of the Chemo-Mechanical Method (Carisolv) for Removal of Carious Dentine among Primary School Children
496 |
Frequency of Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Cirrhotic Patients with Hepatic Focal Lesion(s) and Low Serum Level of Alpha Fetoprotein
552 |
Generation of Pure Cardiomyocytes from Murine Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Puromycin Purification of Cardiomyocytes
533 |
Impact of ITPA Genetic Polymorphisms on Anemia in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C during Treatment with Peg-Interferon and Ribavirin
567 |
Influence of Different Head Positions on Postural Stability in Normal Subjects
610 |
Influence of Wearing High Heel on Different Foot Angels in Normal Female Subjects
570 |
Is Laparoscopic Splenectomy (LS) of Benefits for Hypersplenism Secondary to Portal Hypertension?
621 |
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Teachers Toward Health Promotion Program in Primary Health Care Centers in Abha City
561 |
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Driving Safety among Male University Students in Saudi Arabia
694 |
Low Level Laser Therapy Versus Dexamethasone Phonophoresis after Third Molar Surgery,
749 |
Maternal Body Mass Index and its Relation to Length of Labour, Mode of Delivery and FetoMaternal Complications in Primigravida
551 |
Memory-Enhancing Effects of Folic Acid Against Fluoride-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Adult Male Rats
623 |
MERS and SARSCoV Inhibition Using Anti-HCV Drugs: A Computational Biophysical Approach
612 |
Minimal Invasive Fixation of Displased Midshaft Clavicular Fractures by Flexible Intramedullary Nail
544 |
Motion Analysis of Postural Reactions in Normal Infants
619 |
Neonatal Outcome in Cases of Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia
600 |
Nephrotic Syndrome Knowledge and Health Care Related Practices among School Age Children and their Mothers
1070 |
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation versus Resisted Exercises on Muscular Arm Strength Post Dermolipectomy
625 |
Nursing Staff 'Perception Regarding Factors Affecting their Performance in Selected Governmental Hospitals in Egypt
674 |
Occupational Zoonotic Parasites Associated with Non-Human Primates and their Keepers in Giza Zoo
715 |
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Humeral Fractures with Use of the Locking Proximal Humerus Plate
660 |
Oral Ulcers of Crohn's Disease and Oral Adverse Effects of Prescribed Medications
541 |
Patient Characteristics and ICU Mortality Predictors in Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia
635 |
Physical Therapy Registry for Establishment of Cerebral Palsy in Imbaba North Giza
631 |
Potential Therapeutic Role of Rosuvastatin and Simvastatin in Acute Lung Injury (Experimental Study)
557 |
Prevalence of Social Phobia among Saudi Medical Students
748 |
Prognostic Value of Three Dimensional Ultrasound of Yolk Sac Volume together with Conventional Two Dimensional Ultrasound and Serum b-HCG in Case of Threatened Abortion during First Trimester
599 |
Prospective Study to Compare AF Patients on Warfarin Undergoing Cataract Surgery Using Peribulbar Technique Versus AF Patients Stopping Warfarin
550 |
Protective Effect of Folic Acid on Uterine Tube Mucosal Damage Caused by Methotrexate in Adult Female Rats
565 |
Public's Knowledge about Allergic Rhinitis in a Saudi City
743 |
Relationship between Intestinal Parasitic Infections and Pregnancy Outcome at Kafer El-Shiekh Governorate
654 |
Reliability of Migration Index in Subluxated Femoral Head in Spastic Cerebral Palsy
702 |
Results of Neural Decompression in Elderly Patients with Lumbar Canal Stenosis Associated with Single Segment Stable Grade-I Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
612 |
Role of Alendronate and Alfacalcidol in Protection Against Steroid Induced Osteoporosis in Adult Male Albino Rats
576 |
Role of Computed Tomography Guided Percutaneous Biopsy in Assessment of Renal Tumors
689 |
Role of Helicobacter Pylori in Patients with Cancer Colon and Colonic Polyps
683 |
Role of I-131WBS versus FDG PET/CT in the Diagnosis and Assessment of Therapy Outcome in Recurrent Locoregional Thyroid Carcinoma
657 |
Role of Ultrasound in Chronic Liver Disease: Is There Something New?
674 |
Significance of Cytokeratin 18 as a Marker of Progression of Fatty Liver Disease and Chronic Hepatitis
666 |
Sonographic Response of Diaphragmatic Excursion to Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Trainer in Elderly
619 |
Staged Superficialization of Deep Arm Autogenous Brachio-Cephalic Arterio-Venous Fistula Via Duplex Guided Liposuction: Feasibility and Outcome
683 |
Study of Predictors for Successful Pleurodesis in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion
593 |
Study of the Possible Cardioprotective Effects of Erythropoietin in Diabetic and Uremic Cardiomyopathy in Rats
569 |
Subgalial Suction Drain versus Subdural Drain in Chronic Subdural Hematoma
704 |
Subvastus Approach is a Good Alternative for Primary TKA without Increase in Complication Rate
492 |
Suction Irrigation Technique in Management of Infection after ACL Reconstruction
721 |
Surgical Management for Displaced Femoral Head in Cerebral Palsy
619 |
The Additional Role of Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography in Characterization of Breast Lesions
562 |
The Diagnostic Role of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
570 |
The Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine to Levobupivacaine in Scalp Nerves Block on Duration of Analgesia Postoperatively in Supratentorial Craniotomy Operations
579 |
The Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine to Levobupivacaine in Scalp Nerves Block on Intra and Postoperative Hemodynamics in Supratentorial Craniotomy Operations
587 |
The Effect of Post-Operative Supine Position versus 30 Degree Head Elevation on Clinical Outcome and Recurrence Rate in Chronic Subdural Hematomas Treated by Burr Hole Drainage
676 |
The Role of Medical Records in Public Health Surveillance: (Review Artical)
180 |
The Role of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Sustainability Initiatives: (Review Artical)
248 |
The Usefulness of Glycated Albumin for Evaluation of Glycemic Control in Egyptian Type 2 Diabetic Patients
533 |
Therapeutic Effect of Crocin in Collagen Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis Rat Model (Crocin in Rheumatoid Arthritis)
655 |
Values of Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy for Primary Lower Limb Varicose Veins Treatment
508 |
Visual Motor Integration of Schoolchildren with Different Levels of Myopia
598 |